
Gypsie Soul Music4U

Karaoke and DJ Services For Any Occasion Including Private Parties

Gypsie Soul Rentals4U

Two Vacation Rental Condos Available In Beautiful Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Gypsie Soul Here4U

Smaller Miscellaneous Tasks When You Don’t Know Who To Call. We Will Help If We Can.

How I Became a Gypsie Soul

I can only write what I Know. I know there is a God; because if there was no God then I would probably be dead. Many people feel lost and alone, but I do not feel lost and I know I am not alone. God is walking right beside me and many people feel the way I have been feeling most of my adult life. Some may describe it as “lost” when in fact the destination is quite clear.


The real question is how do we get to the final destination? It may take our entire lives to even begin to understand the answer. I started trying to figure things out at a very young age. Yes, God has been in my life for as long as I can remember, but Determination has guided me through many hard times; and Music has been my therapy since I was a young child. Sadly, I did not take the musical and professional business gifts that God blessed me with and run with them as so many of my childhood friend have, but after many years of praying for guidance, I feel I am finally being lead in a positive direction in the business world. So for now, I will enjoy the music, listening to those around me who, like me, enjoy it for what it is! Therapy!


From the moment I graduated high school, I lived in multiple cities and states. I moved nine times and managed to get my college degree somewhere along the way, before moving to Myrtle Beach when I was 28 years old. I had never obtained enough responsibility to stay anywhere for a long period of time. It didn’t take long before my parents started calling me “Gypsie.” I was in search of something, and even now, I search for whatever it is I have always been looking for. That is where the “Soul” part comes in.


I have been in Myrtle Beach since 2009 and after many years of moving around the country, my residence here finally has me grounded, at least for now. So while I search, I am taking on many different responsibilies trying to help people in any way I can. I am venturing out into the unknown and walking by Faith knowing that God will lead me. With the help of my friends, old and new; those who enjoy singing and those who just come to listen; I welcome you to a fun time of soul searching and music therapy to help us ALL find a piece of what we have been searching for! Whatever that may be…


~ Gypsie Soul

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